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Include etlas.dhall in projct config
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jneira committed Aug 10, 2018
1 parent 284ef2d commit 5048002
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 50 deletions.
147 changes: 97 additions & 50 deletions etlas/Distribution/Client/ProjectConfig.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
( readGenericPackageDescription )
import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageDescription.Dhall as Dhall
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
( Compiler, compilerInfo )
import Distribution.Simple.Program
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,10 +510,10 @@ readProjectLocalConfig verbosity DistDirLayout{distProjectFile} = do
defaultImplicitProjectConfig =
mempty {
-- We expect a package in the current directory.
projectPackages = [ "./*.cabal" ],
projectPackages = [ ],

-- This is to automatically pick up deps that we unpack locally.
projectPackagesOptional = [ "./*/*.cabal" ],
projectPackagesOptional = [ "./*.cabal", "./etlas.dhall", "./*/*.cabal", "./*/etlas.dhall" ],

projectConfigProvenance = Set.singleton Implicit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -630,14 +631,14 @@ reportParseResult verbosity filetype filename (ParseFailed err) =
-- to the project root.
data ProjectPackageLocation =
ProjectPackageLocalCabalFile FilePath
| ProjectPackageLocalDhallFile FilePath
| ProjectPackageLocalDirectory FilePath FilePath -- dir and .cabal file
ProjectPackageLocalCabalFile FilePath
| ProjectPackageLocalDhallFile FilePath
| ProjectPackageLocalCabalDirectory FilePath FilePath -- dir and .cabal file
| ProjectPackageLocalDhallDirectory FilePath FilePath -- dir and etlas.dhall file
| ProjectPackageLocalTarball FilePath
| ProjectPackageRemoteTarball URI
| ProjectPackageRemoteRepo SourceRepo
| ProjectPackageNamed Dependency
| ProjectPackageLocalTarball FilePath
| ProjectPackageRemoteTarball URI
| ProjectPackageRemoteRepo SourceRepo
| ProjectPackageNamed Dependency
deriving Show

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -672,8 +673,8 @@ data BadPackageLocation
data BadPackageLocationMatch
= BadLocUnexpectedFile String
| BadLocNonexistantFile String
| BadLocDirNoCabalFile String
| BadLocDirManyCabalFiles String
| BadLocDirNoConfigFiles String
| BadLocDirManyConfigFiles String
deriving Show

renderBadPackageLocations :: BadPackageLocations -> String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,9 +724,9 @@ renderBadPackageLocations (BadPackageLocations provenance bpls)
renderImplicitBadPackageLocation :: BadPackageLocation -> String
renderImplicitBadPackageLocation bpl = case bpl of
BadLocGlobEmptyMatch pkglocstr ->
"No cabal.project file or cabal file matching the default glob '"
"No cabal.project file, etlas.dhall file or cabal file matching the default glob '"
++ pkglocstr ++ "' was found.\n"
++ "Please create a package description file <pkgname>.cabal "
++ "Please create a package description file etlas.dhall/<pkgname>.cabal "
++ "or a cabal.project file referencing the packages you "
++ "want to build."
_ -> renderBadPackageLocation bpl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -755,14 +756,14 @@ renderBadPackageLocationMatch :: BadPackageLocationMatch -> String
renderBadPackageLocationMatch bplm = case bplm of
BadLocUnexpectedFile pkglocstr ->
"The package location '" ++ pkglocstr ++ "' is not recognised. The "
++ "supported file targets are .cabal files, .tar.gz tarballs or package "
++ "directories (i.e. directories containing a .cabal file)."
++ "supported file targets are etlas.dhall file, .cabal files, .tar.gz tarballs or package "
++ "directories (i.e. directories containing an etlas.dhall or .cabal file)."
BadLocNonexistantFile pkglocstr ->
"The package location '" ++ pkglocstr ++ "' does not exist."
BadLocDirNoCabalFile pkglocstr ->
"The package directory '" ++ pkglocstr ++ "' does not contain any "
++ ".cabal file."
BadLocDirManyCabalFiles pkglocstr ->
BadLocDirNoConfigFiles pkglocstr ->
"The package directory '" ++ pkglocstr ++ "' does not contain an "
++ "etlas.dhall file or any .cabal file."
BadLocDirManyConfigFiles pkglocstr ->
"The package directory '" ++ pkglocstr ++ "' contains multiple "
++ ".cabal files (which is not currently supported)."

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -888,18 +889,22 @@ findProjectPackages DistDirLayout{distProjectRootDirectory}
dir -> liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir
case () of
_ | isDir
-> do matches <- matchFileGlob (globStarDotCabal pkglocstr)
case matches of
-> return (Right (ProjectPackageLocalDirectory
pkglocstr cabalFile))
[] -> return (Left (BadLocDirNoCabalFile pkglocstr))
_ -> return (Left (BadLocDirManyCabalFiles pkglocstr))
-> do matchesDhall <- matchFileGlob (globEtlasDotDhall pkglocstr)
matchesCabal <- matchFileGlob (globStarDotCabal pkglocstr)
return $ case (matchesDhall, matchesCabal) of
-> Right (ProjectPackageLocalDhallDirectory
pkglocstr etlasDhall)
-> Right (ProjectPackageLocalCabalDirectory
pkglocstr cabalFile)
([],[]) -> Left (BadLocDirNoConfigFiles pkglocstr)
_ -> Left (BadLocDirManyConfigFiles pkglocstr)

| extensionIsTarGz pkglocstr
-> return (Right (ProjectPackageLocalTarball pkglocstr))

| takeExtension pkglocstr == ".dhall"
| takeFileName pkglocstr == "etlas.dhall"
-> return (Right (ProjectPackageLocalDhallFile pkglocstr))

| takeExtension pkglocstr == ".cabal"
Expand All @@ -924,16 +929,27 @@ findProjectPackages DistDirLayout{distProjectRootDirectory}
-- For a directory @some/dir/@, this is a glob of the form @some/dir/\*.cabal@.
-- The directory part can be either absolute or relative.

globStarDotCabal :: FilePath -> FilePathGlob
globStarDotCabal dir =
globStarDotCabal = globFilePath $ GlobFile [WildCard, Literal ".cabal"]

-- | A glob to find the etlas.dhall file in a directory.
-- For a directory @some/dir/@, this is a glob of the form @some/dir/\etlas.dhall@.
-- The directory part can be either absolute or relative.

globEtlasDotDhall :: FilePath -> FilePathGlob
globEtlasDotDhall = globFilePath $ GlobFile [Literal "etlas.dhall"]

globFilePath :: FilePathGlobRel -> FilePath -> FilePathGlob
globFilePath globFile dir =
(if isAbsolute dir then FilePathRoot root else FilePathRelative)
(foldr (\d -> GlobDir [Literal d])
(GlobFile [WildCard, Literal ".cabal"]) dirComponents)
(foldr (\d -> GlobDir [Literal d]) globFile dirComponents)
(root, dirComponents) = fmap splitDirectories (splitDrive dir)

--TODO: [code cleanup] use sufficiently recent transformers package
mplusMaybeT :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a)
mplusMaybeT ma mb = do
Expand All @@ -943,19 +959,40 @@ mplusMaybeT ma mb = do
Just x -> return (Just x)

-- | Read the @.cabal@ file of the given package.
-- | Read the @etlas.dhall@ or @.cabal@ file of the given package.
-- Note here is where we convert from project-root relative paths to absolute
-- paths.
readSourcePackage :: Verbosity -> DistDirLayout -> ProjectPackageLocation
-> Rebuild (PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage)
readSourcePackage verbosity distDirLayout (ProjectPackageLocalCabalFile cabalFile) =
readSourcePackage verbosity distDirLayout (ProjectPackageLocalDirectory dir cabalFile)
readSourcePackage verbosity distDirLayout
(ProjectPackageLocalDhallFile dhallFile) =
readSourcePackage verbosity distDirLayout (ProjectPackageLocalDhallDirectory dir dhallFile)
dir = takeDirectory dhallFile

readSourcePackage verbosity distDirLayout
(ProjectPackageLocalCabalFile cabalFile) =
readSourcePackage verbosity distDirLayout (ProjectPackageLocalCabalDirectory dir cabalFile)
dir = takeDirectory cabalFile

readSourcePackage verbosity _distDirLayout (ProjectPackageLocalDirectory dir cabalFile) = do
readSourcePackage verbosity _distDirLayout
(ProjectPackageLocalDhallDirectory dir dhallFile) = do
monitorFiles [monitorFileHashed dhallFile]
root <- askRoot
pkgdesc <- liftIO $ Dhall.readGenericPackageDescription verbosity (root </> dhallFile)
return $ SpecificSourcePackage SourcePackage {
packageInfoId = packageId pkgdesc,
packageDescription = pkgdesc,
packageSource = LocalUnpackedPackage (root </> dir),
packageDescrOverride = Nothing,
packagePatch = Nothing

readSourcePackage verbosity _distDirLayout
(ProjectPackageLocalCabalDirectory dir cabalFile) = do
monitorFiles [monitorFileHashed cabalFile]
root <- askRoot
pkgdesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription verbosity (root </> cabalFile)
Expand All @@ -971,27 +1008,37 @@ readSourcePackage _verbosity _distDirLayout
(ProjectPackageNamed (Dependency pkgname verrange)) =
return $ NamedPackage pkgname [PackagePropertyVersion verrange]

readSourcePackage verbosity distDirLayout (ProjectPackageRemoteRepo sourceRepo) = do
readSourcePackage verbosity distDirLayout
(ProjectPackageRemoteRepo sourceRepo) = do
root <- askRoot
let sourceRepoLocation
| Just location <- repoLocation sourceRepo
= location
| otherwise = show sourceRepo
destDir = root </> distTempDirectory distDirLayout </> "scm" </>
showHashValue (hashString (show [sourceRepo]))
cabalFile <- liftIO $ do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist destDir
when (not (exists)) $
downloadSourceRepo verbosity destDir
(Left sourceRepoLocation) [sourceRepo]
files <- getDirectoryContents destDir
let cabalFiles = filter (\file -> takeExtension file == ".cabal") files
case length cabalFiles of
0 -> die' verbosity $ "No cabal file found for " ++ sourceRepoLocation
1 -> return ()
_ -> die' verbosity $ "Multiple cabal files found for " ++ sourceRepoLocation
return $ head cabalFiles
pkgdesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription verbosity (destDir </> cabalFile)

pkgdesc <- liftIO $ do
files <- do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist destDir
when (not (exists)) $
downloadSourceRepo verbosity destDir
(Left sourceRepoLocation) [sourceRepo]
getDirectoryContents destDir
let mbDhallFile = find (== "etlas.dhall") files
case mbDhallFile of
Just dhallFile ->
Dhall.readGenericPackageDescription verbosity (destDir </> dhallFile)
Nothing -> do
let cabalFiles = filter (\file -> takeExtension file == ".cabal") files
cabalFile <- do
case length cabalFiles of
0 -> die' verbosity $ "No etlas.dhall or cabal file found for " ++ sourceRepoLocation
1 -> return ()
_ -> die' verbosity $ "Multiple cabal files found for " ++ sourceRepoLocation
return $ head cabalFiles
readGenericPackageDescription verbosity (destDir </> cabalFile)

let pkgid = packageId pkgdesc
return $ SpecificSourcePackage SourcePackage {
packageInfoId = pkgid,
Expand Down

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