#Backend JavaScriptr
This is an Symphony CMS extension that allows you to use custom JavaScript instructions in the CMS's backend.
- Version: 0.1
- Date: 2011-04-18
- Author: João Barbosa
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Website: http://www.joaootavio.com.br
- Download the extension
- Unzip the file inside your Symphony extensions path
- Rename the folder to 'backend_javascriptr'
- Enable the extension in the Symphony's control panel
- Go to System > Preferences, in your Symphony's backend
- Find the "Backend JavaScriptr" section, type your code inside the textarea
- Click "Save", and be happy!
- The file "/backend_javascriptr/assets/custom.js" has to have all permissions ( chmod 777 )!
- First Release