Quant-JS is an easy to use quantitative finance workbench for JavaScript, combining Google V8 and QuantLib.
Will price options (European, Bermudan and American) using the following methods, where they apply:
- Black-Scholes
- Heston semi-analytic
- Bates semi-analytic
- Barone-Adesi/Whaley
- Bjerksund/Stensland
- Integral
- Finite differences
- Binomial Jarrow-Rudd
- Binomial Cox-Ross-Rubinstein
- Additive equiprobabilities
- Binomial Trigeorgis
- Binomial Tian
- Binomial Leisen-Reimer
- Binomial Joshi
- MC (crude)
- QMC (Sobol)
- MC (Longstaff Schwartz)
You need the following to be able to compile quant-js (yum package names):
- QuantLib (QuantLib-devel)
- Boost libraries (boost-devel)
- Google V8 (v8-devel)
- Optional: rlwrap (wrapper for readline)
Build binary:
$ make
Run quantjs:
$ rlwrap -p'1;33' -m ./quantjs --infiles quantjs.js
Example features:
qjs> var pricingEngine = new PricingEngine(0) // BS
qjs> var europeanOption = new EuropeanOption()
qjs> europeanOption.setParams(new OptionParams('PUT', 36, 40, 0.5, 0.00, 0.06, 0.20))
qjs> var t = pricingEngine.calculateNPV(europeanOption)
qjs> t
qjs> var m1 = ident(5)
qjs> m1
[0] 1 0 0 0 0
[1] 0 1 0 0 0
[2] 0 0 1 0 0
[3] 0 0 0 1 0
[4] 0 0 0 0 1
qjs> numeric.det(m1)
qjs> var v = _.range(10).map(function(n) { return n; });
qjs> v
[0] 0
[1] 1
[2] 2
[3] 3
[4] 4
[5] 5
[6] 6
[7] 7
[8] 8
[9] 9
The file quantjs.js is a JavaScript library to hide some implementation details and open for use of other JavaScript libraries as well.
Here's a fully-functional example of how to valuate three different put options using Quant-JS:
// Calculation date is today's date
var pricingEngine = new PricingEngine(2); // Binomial Trigeorgis
// Params: optionType, underlyingPrice, strikePrice, timeToMaturity, dividendYield, riskFreeRate, volatility
var europeanOption = new EuropeanOption();
europeanOption.setParams(new OptionParams('PUT', 36, 40, 0.5, 0.00, 0.06, 0.20));
pricingEngine.calculateNPV(europeanOption); // 3.843556981971868
var americanOption = new AmericanOption();
americanOption.setParams(new OptionParams('PUT', 36, 40, 0.5, 0.00, 0.06, 0.20));
pricingEngine.calculateNPV(americanOption); // 4.486461065154719
var bermudanOption = new BermudanOption();
bermudanOption.setParams(new OptionParams('PUT', 36, 40, 0.5, 0.00, 0.06, 0.20));
pricingEngine.calculateNPV(bermudanOption); // 4.360909275428335
The project is still in early Alpha stage, so there is a lot of missing functionality.
Quant-JS is copyrighted free software made available under the terms of either the GNU General Public Licence (GPL).
Copyright: (C) 2012-13 by Johan Astborg. All Rights Reserved.