ReportBro album application for Django web framework. This is a fully working demo app to showcase ReportBro and how you can integrate it in your Django application.
The application is a simple web app and allows to manage a list of music albums. ReportBro Designer is included so you can modify a template which is used when you print a pdf of all your albums.
The Demo App is also avaiable for the Flask and web2py web frameworks. See Album App for Flask and Album App for web2py respectively.
All Instructions in this file are for a Linux/Mac shell but the commands are easy to adapt for Windows. If a command is different for Windows then it will be shown below. Commands which can be done in Windows Explorer (e.g. copy file, create directory) are not explicitly listed for Windows.
Clone the git repository and change into the created directory:
$ git clone
$ cd albumapp-django
This app requires poetry (version 1.2.2 or newer) to be installed and working. See for installation details.
Install all dependencies:
To enter the virtual environment:
$ poetry shell
If you have activated/entered the virtual environment created by poetry you can omit the poetry run in the following commands.
- Create a database (albumapp.sqlite) by creating migration scripts and executing them:
$ poetry run python makemigrations albums
$ poetry run python migrate
- Compile all translation files so the labels can be used in the application (generates next to django.po):
$ poetry run python compilemessages
Start the Django webserver:
$ poetry run python runserver
Now your application is running and can be accessed here:
- Open the cloned albumapp-django directory
- Add virtual env to project:
- Select File -> Settings
- Project: albumapp-django -> Project interpreter
- click Settings-Icon and select "Add Local" option
- Choose "Poetry Environment" and select "Existing Environment"
sqlite is used as database to store the application data (albums), report templates and report previews used by ReportBro Designer.
To initially create the db with its tables the following steps are necessary:
Create database migrations:
$ poetry run python makemigrations albums
Execute migration scripts:
$ poetry run python migrate
Run over the entire source tree of the current directory and pull out all strings marked for translation. It creates (or updates) the django.po message file:
$ poetry run python makemessages
Compile all translation files so labels can be used in the application (generates next to django.po):
$ poetry run python compilemessages --ignore env
The PEP 8 (Python Enhancement Proposal) standard is used which is the de-facto code style guide for Python. An easy-to-read version of PEP 8 can be found at
Basically follow the instructions at
Upload code to PythonAnywhere:
$ git clone
In django_demoapp/ you have to enter your url in ALLOWED_HOSTS, e.g.
and set STATIC_ROOT accordingly:
STATIC_ROOT = '/home/myuser/albumapp-django/albums/static'
On the PythonAnywhere 'Web' Page you have to make sure everything is configured as described (Source code and working dir, wsgi file, virtualenv).
Note: to install the same versions used with poetry in you virtualenv you can generate a a requirements.txt with the following command:
$ poetry export -o requirements.txt
The wsgi file looks something like this:
import os
import sys
path = '/home/myuser/albumapp-django'
if path not in sys.path:
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'django_demoapp.settings'
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()
For 'Static files' you enter the following mapping:
URL: /static/
Directory: /home/myuser/albumapp-django/albums/static
Don't forget to perform the necessary installation steps for the django albumapp itself, i.e. DB migrations and compile translation messages (see above).
Reload the application and run!