These are the YAML files used for the Open Match and OMAG demos in the Cloud Next 2019 session Large-Scale Multiplayer Gaming on Kubernetes.
These files are provided as-is, for reference only. They do not represent best practices or how you should set up an Open Match cluster or anything like that. They are just the files used in the demo, nothing more, nothing less. Don't use these if you don't know what they do, and I accept no responsibility for the effects of them if you elect to use them.
This is an archived repository, and will not accept PRs.
Here is a copy-paste of the commands cheat-sheet referenced while on stage. This is not a script or a list of things to run in order to get the demo to execute, it's just a list of commands that are useful when using these demo materials in roughly the order they are useful.
PS1="$> "
source <(kubectl completion bash)
Demo pt1
gcloud container clusters get-credentials om-demo --zone us-west2-b
kubectl get all
gcloud container images list
kubectl create configmap om-configmap-debug-off \
kubectl apply -f install/yaml/01-redis.yaml
kubectl apply -f install/yaml/02-open-match.yaml
kubectl get all
kubectl run --rm --restart=Never --image-pull-policy=Always \
-i --tty \
headlessclientgenerator --command ./clientloadgen -- \
--cycles 7 --numplayers 10000 --sleep 1
kubectl run --rm --restart=Never --image-pull-policy=Always \
-i --tty \
matchmaker --command /bin/bash
./matchmaker --call CreateMatch --concurrency 2
./matchmaker --call CreateMatch --concurrency 20
Demo pt2
gcloud container clusters get-credentials test-cluster --zone us-west2-b
# Show components from previous demo
kubectl get all
# Deploy an Agones Fleet
kubectl apply -f examples/director/example/01-fleet.yaml
# Deploy a matchmaker that speaks OMAG
kubectl apply -f examples/director/example/03-director-deploy.yaml
# Explain udp-server, create two users, create many more
# Cleanup
gcloud config set project omag-demo
gcloud --quiet container clusters delete om-demo --zone=us-west2-b
gcloud container clusters create --machine-type n1-standard-4 om-demo --zone us-west2-b
git clone
cd nextdemo
kubectl run --rm --restart=Never --image-pull-policy=Always -i --tty --image=redis rcli2 --command redis-cli -- -h redis