SerialCPP is a cross-platform C++ library for serial communication. Based on PySerial and Arduino Serial, it provides a simple and consistent API for use on both Windows and Unix-like systems (such as Linux or macOS).
- Open & Close Serial Ports
- Read and Write Data to Serial Ports
- Read & Write a Line of Text to and From a Serial Port
#include <SerialCPP/SerialCPP.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
// Create A SerialCPP Object Using The COM3 Port With A 115200 Baud Rate
SerialCPP::SerialCPP serial("COM3", SerialCPP::BaudRate::BR_115200);
// Open The Serial Port
if (!
std::cerr << "Failed To Open Serial Port.\n";
return 1;
// Write A Line Of Text To The Serial Port
serial.writeLine("Hello World.");
// Read A Line Of Text From The Serial Port
std::string line = serial.readLine();
std::cout << "Received: " << line << '\n';
// Close The Serial Port
return 0;