Releases: joezuntz/cosmosis-standard-library
Releases · joezuntz/cosmosis-standard-library
What's Changed
- Fix multiple memory leaks in EuclidEmulator2 and make it 3x faster by @joezuntz in #122
- Add support for Python 3.12 by @marcpaterno in #124
- Do not run baccoemu on python 3.12 or newer by @marcpaterno in #129
- Update module.yaml for the added transfer function output in the camb interface by @andrejdvornik in #126
- Update classy.pyx for cython v3.0.0+ by @AngusWright in #125
- Add CMB shift parameter calculation to camb by @joezuntz in #134
- Scipy 2.0 updates by @joezuntz in #133
- DESI likelihoods and examples by @joezuntz in #132
- Add Planck NPIPE by @joezuntz in #111
- Fix bug in sacc likelihood by @ajouellette in #136
- Add distance modulus to class by @joezuntz in #135
- Implement interface with Candl by @yomori in #137
- A_mod suppression of non-linear power by @ajouellette in #142
- Get f(z) used for RSD calcs from datablock instead of a spline fit by @jessmuir in #143
- Alias for trapz by @joezuntz in #138
- Add more data types and features to sacc by @joezuntz in #141
- CI scipy update by @joezuntz in #145
New Contributors
- @AngusWright made their first contribution in #125
- @ajouellette made their first contribution in #136
- @yomori made their first contribution in #137
Full Changelog: v3.5...v3.6
What's Changed
- act_dr6_lenslike code from PyPI by @itrharrison in #104
- Fix deprecated cosebis header usage and skip act test if lib not found by @joezuntz in #107
- Add Bacco emulator by @joezuntz in #106
- Use plik-lite in examples to reduce parameter space. by @joezuntz in #108
- Replace nonstandard #elseif with standard #elif by @marcpaterno in #110
- Add error on zmax too low for cmb lensing by @joezuntz in #112
- Fix low-k extrapolation issue, consistent sampling in z by @tilmantroester in #113
- add TDCOSMO likelihood by @martin-millon in #102
- Documenting TDCosmo new likelihood by @jpratmarti in #119
- Transfer function to data block by @andrejdvornik in #118
- Remove import of scipy zeros by @joezuntz in #121
- HSC Cosmic shear likelihood by @joezuntz in #105
New Contributors
- @martin-millon made their first contribution in #102
- @jpratmarti made their first contribution in #119
Full Changelog: v3.4...v3.5
What's Changed
- Allow sampling in S_8 by @joezuntz in #91
- Imrprove consistency relations docs, allow adding extras by @itrharrison in #92
- Add metadata keys to backup gg-only shear section by @joezuntz in #96
- Cache wmap and planck files properly to avoid multiple CI downloads by @joezuntz in #97
- DES-Y3+KiDS-1000 likelihood by @cheymans in #98
- Change the consistency cosmomc_theta->H0 to use camb, and improve omnuh2 - mnu relation in consistenct by @joezuntz in #94
New Contributors
- @itrharrison made their first contribution in #92
- @cheymans made their first contribution in #98
Full Changelog: v3.0...v3.3
What's Changed
- Faster version of pantheon by @joezuntz in #57
- Faster and better-named distance calculations in camb and astropy modules by @joezuntz in #58
- Add Pantheon+/SHOES and example by @joezuntz in #60
- Fix theta_H0_range usage by adding a key to dict by @msyriac in #48
- Change host for planck data by @joezuntz in #63
- Adding manual bin division options for smail by @jessmuir in #61
- Generalize shear ratio DES code by @joezuntz in #52
- Code for running DES+SPT Year 3 6x2pt analysis by @ebaxter in #59
- fixing scale cuts by @ebaxter in #65
- Add 6x2pt to github actions by @joezuntz in #66
- fixing magnification by @ebaxter in #67
- Add BAO to CI and fix some of them by @joezuntz in #69
- Remove generated source file from version control by @marcpaterno in #71
- Add python 3.11 to the test matrix by @joezuntz in #72
- Add des y3 bao by @joezuntz in #73
- Cherry-pick changes from des-science to fix fast-pt by @joezuntz in #75
- Make comment in less slanderous by @joezuntz in #76
- Restore ability to read generic P_gal(k, z) in project_2d by @joezuntz in #78
- Testing new class installation by @joezuntz in #82
- Allow output of mean of biased n(z) by @tilmantroester in #84
- Fixes to the various module.yaml files by @joezuntz in #85
- Better sampling of sigma_8 by @tilmantroester in #86
- Changes to to allow for different source bins by @andrejdvornik in #81
- Act DR6 lensing likelihood by @joezuntz in #87
New Contributors
- @msyriac made their first contribution in #48
- @jessmuir made their first contribution in #61
- @ebaxter made their first contribution in #59
- @marcpaterno made their first contribution in #71
- @tilmantroester made their first contribution in #84
- @andrejdvornik made their first contribution in #81
Full Changelog: v2.4...v2.5
What's Changed
- Add option to not do BAO and speed up camb by @joezuntz in #37
- Faster 2pt like for binned theory by @joezuntz in #38
- Enable python 3.10 in the CI by @joezuntz in #39
- Catch the camb error "dark energy model has w + wa > 0, giving w>0 at high redshift" by @joezuntz in #40
- Sample sigma 8 in camb by @joezuntz in #44
- Fix output of fsigma8 in class by @joezuntz in #42
- Fix camb f(z) calculation by @joezuntz in #45
- Change CI to use mamba for speed by @joezuntz in #47
- Add shear-only des y3 example by @joezuntz in #46
- Class version of DES Y3 by @joezuntz in #50
- Add planck lite example by @joezuntz in #51
- Stop a NameError in camb when reporting another error by @joezuntz in #53
- Fix calculation of D(z) by @joezuntz in #56
Full Changelog: v2.3...v2.4
What's Changed
- Restore the option to save the kernels used in the Limber integral to the block by @joezuntz in #32
- Fix the TNG100 file in the baryon_power_scaling module by @joezuntz in #34
- save CDM+baryon linear power spectrum in Class by @SebastianBocquet in #33
- Update cl_to_corr to be useful and work with modern scipy by @joezuntz in #35
- Fixes for MacOS OpenMP by @joezuntz in #36
New Contributors
- @SebastianBocquet made their first contribution in #33
Full Changelog: v2.2...v2.3
What's Changed
- Update to class v3.2.0 by @joezuntz in #9
- Fixed typo for delta_tot_de and section headings by @annis in #10
- Expose options to do or skip CMB, MPK in class by @joezuntz in #11
- Add MacOS to conda test by @joezuntz in #13
- Fixes for Apple Silicon by @joezuntz in #12
- Fix cblas gsl import on NERSC by @joezuntz in #14
- Fix one path in consistency and speed up by @joezuntz in #15
- Fix gunzip command for older systems by @joezuntz in #16
- fix crash in one boss mode by @joezuntz in #17
- WMAP9 downloader and Makefile fixes by @joezuntz in #18
- Catch camb errors and print traceback for first few errors by @joezuntz in #20
- Logarithmic w(z) model example by @joezuntz in #21
- Fixes from removal of py2 compatibility by @joezuntz in #22
- P(k, chi) interpolate cache by @joezuntz in #25
- Euclid Emulator 2 by @joezuntz in #19
- Fix setting parameters for mead2020 and mead2020_feedback by @joezuntz in #26
- Fix name of parameter accurate_massive_neutrino_transfers by @joezuntz in #27
- Add Mira Titan 2022 by @joezuntz in #28
- Stop class assuming that CC=gcc by @joezuntz in #29
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.1...v2.2