The project consists of a simplified REST API which allows the user to register pieces into a chess board.
The information used to register are name and color.
The piece name must be one of:
- king
- queen
- rook
- bishop
- knight
- pawn
And the piece color one of:
- black
- white
POST <app-url>/addpiece
"name": "knight",
"color": "white"
"piece_id": "KnW2"
It's also possible to get information about a registered piece. To do that it's necessary to use the piece_id returned when a piece is registered and the chessboard coordinate (algebraic notation). However, if the piece being consulted is a Knight the API will calculate all possible locations where the knight can move within 2 turns, based on the given location. Otherwise, no moves will be calculated.
GET <app-url>/piece
"coord": "1E",
"piece_id": "KnW2"
"piece_id": "KnW2",
"coord": "1E",
"possible_moves": {
"first_turn": ["3F", "3D", "2G", "2C"],
"second_turn": {
"3F": ["1G", "1E", "5G", "5E", "4H", "2H", "4D", "2D"],
"3D": ["1E", "1C", "5E", "5C", "4F", "2F", "4B", "2B"],
"2G": ["4H", "4F", "3E", "1E"],
"2C": ["4D", "4B", "3E", "1E", "3A", "1A"]
The file chess-challenge-api.postman_collection.json can be used to execute tests the postman application.