This project contains some modified versions of Adafruit Libraries (Adafruit_PCD8544, Adafruit_GFX) which respectively are named JBacas_PCD8544 & JBacas_GFX.
The JBacas_PCD8544 Library can be found at: PCD8544 Library.
The JBacas_GFX Library can be found at: GFX Library.
The JBacas_PCD8544 Library contains 3 examples:
Display_characters.ino : This file displays all the character-set of the glcd_greek.c file which contains 5x7 and 6x8 characters. This font library was mainly created to support greek letters.
GFX_demo.ino : This file displays all the graphics that are supported by the JBacas_GFX library.
ReadPixelMap.ino : This file helps you create your own logo when the display.begin() function is called.