ServiceMap is a tool to correlate and graph TCP/UDP connections between servers.
This is a work in progress. BYU web template is included, feel free to switch it out for your own branding and just edit out those portions of the HTML files.
Installation instructions:
- install Python, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, rsyslog, NetworkX, Python MySQL connector, other Python packages I can't remember (keep * installing until cgi scripts stop complaining.
- use rsyslog's DB create script to set up database
- run LogSummary.sql create script
- change DB connect password in cgi scripts and iptables-collector.conf
- start rsyslog listening on UDP and configure to write messages to DB (udpListen.conf, iptables-collector.conf)
- edit cgi-bin/ for list of desired subnets to be shown/graphed
- enable Apache or other web server CGI and put cgi-bin and html directories in place
- link to cron to be run at desired frequency (10 minutes seems to work well)
- add iptablesRules.txt lines to iptables configuration file
- add iptables.conf rsyslog rule and change hostname to point at collector