This project walks you through the process of setting your toolchain to compile/deploy C code for SAM microcontrollers. Today there are many IDEs that magically automate this process for you. These are convenient but obscure much of what is going on behind the scenes from the developer. The key to becoming a better embedded engineer is understanding the toolchain compilation/deployment workflow. When the time comes to take your product to production these scripts will come in handy.
Installing arm-none-eabi-gcc on MacOS w/Brew
brew tap osx-cross/arm
brew install arm-gcc-bin
verify installation
arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
Before you start ensure automake is installed on your machine.
brew install automake
Clone edbg from repository navigate to edbg folder and build and test
cd edbg
make all
./edbg --help
/Users/johncobb/dev/edbg/edbg -bpv -t atmel_cm4 -f ~/dev/sam4s_usart/sam4s_usart.bin