Extend the functionality of fs.watch(filename, [options], listener) to subdirectories.
Example usage:
var watch = require("directory-tree-watcher");
watch(".", function(event, file) {
console.log("watcher:", event, file);
Watches a directory
and all sub-directories. options
are the same as for fs.watch(filename, [options],
listener). The listener
is also passed to fs.watch(filename, [options],
listener). The callback
is passed two parameters. The first parameter is an error (if any). The second parameter of the callback
a Watcher
object, which responds to a close()
method, which closes the watcher.
Install jake: npm install -g jake
Note that Jake is a system-level tool, and wants to be installed globally.
To execute tests execute: jake test
MIT License. View it at LICENSE file.