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Laravel/AdminLTE/Bootstrap Boilerplate

Laravel Bootstrap 4.0.0 AdminLTE 2.4.2

This package is to be served as a basis for a web application.



1. In order to install Laravel/AdminLTE Boilerplate run :

git clone

2. Copy .env file:

$ cp .env.example .env

3. Install Docker:

4. Built docker container:

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d

If necessary, you can access the containers via SSH:

$ docker-compose exec web bash
$ docker-compose exec db bash

5. Install the dependencies in the container and compile the assets:

$ docker-compose run web php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" && php composer-setup.php && php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
$ docker-compose run web php composer.phar install
$ docker-compose run web npm install
$ docker-compose run web npm run dev
$ docker-compose run web chmod 0777 storage -R
$ docker-compose run web chmod 0777 bootstrap/cache -R

6 . Run the command below to generate teh application key:

$ docker-compose run web php artisan key:generate

And then, copy the new key to .env.example and .env file.

7 . Run the command below to execute the database migrations:

$ docker-compose run web php artisan migrate --seed

8 . Run the command below to create the permissions in the database:

$ docker-compose run web php artisan permission:create