This template creates a portfolio based on 'Design Cinema - EP 87 - Online Portfolio Tips'. Feel free to download, modify and commercially use it. :)
How to set it up:
download the templalte ('css', 'src', 'index.html')
copy your pictures into src/img (!)
modify the index.html
(open the index.html with an text editor of your choice)
3.1 change the title of your portfolio
3.2 change your name, job and email adress inside [div id="bannertext"] and [div id="footertext"]
3.4 add your own banner > change the image source attribute inside [img id="banner" src="src/img/banner.png"><img]
3.5 add your images > copy and paste [img class="art" src="src/img/image1.png"><img] as often as needed and change the image source attribute
- upload the folders 'css', 'src' and the modified index.html to your webserver