Skip the HTML, Bypass takes markdown and renders it directly on Android and iOS.
- Boost must be installed on your system
This is the custome versino of the original * [Bypass library] ( This library has fixed some bugs in the original library and added few more functions.
COLOR: the library now supports colror in PHP format
< font color="Red">this is red.
EMPHASE in PARAGRAPH: If you need to emphase the entire paragraph, the original library will only show *** at the first line. In this library, you can parse the entire Paragraph with no problem.
Youtube Video: Although there is no youtube functions in the markdown language, I have added a parser to parse youtube video links and disply the video using youtube Api.
If you were usign Eclipse, please follow the method below:
If you were using android studio, here's what you can do.
download the android NDK.
use terminal to cd to you bypass/platform/android/library folder.
type PATH=$PATH:/Users/xxx/NDK/android-ndk-xxx in the terminal (xxx are your own directory)
type ndk-build in your terminal.
open your android studio and add the library to your dependency as module.
replace the io file in your bypass/platform/android/library/libs
in android studi. add the library to your dependency from file>project structure>Dependency
Copy the the file from the MarkdownParser folder in to your project.
Building And Using I will update how to install and usage for ios in the future.
##Usage display
we can turn markdown language in to amazing article with with 2 lines of code like these:
Markdown markdown=new Markdown();
markdown.parser(Context, markdownstring, linearlayout, activity);
and this is what you will get