We started our quest with the ppo jupyter notebook.
Our mower has 8 sensors around itself.
It has 3 types of sensors :
- the distance of the first clod
- the number of clods along the sensor
- the distance of an obstable
So our inputs is just a vector of 24.
We tried different rewards and punishments for our mower. The best that we found for the model is this :
- each clod mowned : +0.1
- all clods mowned : +10
- a rock touched : -1
We will try to add a little punishment for each frame.
A mower can go forward, backward, right and left. So the agent needs to return a vector of 2 (continious values). First value is for speed and the second for the rotation. Examples :
- [-1, 0] : backward
- [0.5,0.75] : forward and right
For the training succeed, we tuned the hyperparameters.
- max_steps = 1e7
- num_layers = 4
- buffer_size = 10000
- learning_rate = 1e-6
- hidden_units = 1024
- batch_size = 2000
Increase the buffer_size and the batch_size was a good idea from this issue : Unity-Technologies/ml-agents#288
We launch several training. We turned hyperparameters and even change the environment for it to be more easier for the agent to learn. Since we were not able to do the training on a GPU, it was very long to change something and have the result...
But we trained an agent able to mown clods and avoid rocks ! Here is the mean rewards during the training :
Note : the three peaks means that the agent win the game. Because if all clods are mowned, we give +10 rewards to the agent.
It was very fun for a first start ! We thank Unity guys who developed this new feature. We'll keep to work with it even after the end of the challenge :)
- try the training with 2 or 3 rocks
- add a little punishment to each frame
- try with a lower model (layers and hidden units)
- try with a final score only
- try with more agents
- try a custom model (not ppo)
- try with moving obstacles
- fix the tensorboard
- fix the training on a VM linux machine with GPU in the cloud
- try to train the model with pixels