This repository demonstrates the usage of Firebase Cloud Functions in a simple Express API with Sequelize ORM to manage the data. The implemented logic is a simple list of users.
Check live example here
cd functions/
npm install
npm start # to test locally
This example comes loaded with fake data so you can try the api more easily.
Migrating database
node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate
npm start
This will start the application and create an sqlite database in your app dir. Just open http://localhost:3000.
More info about Sequelize Migrations in docs.
The following endpoints are available
Get all:
GET /api/users
Get one
GET /api/users/<user-id>
Create new:
POST /api/users
Destroy one:
POST /api/users/<user-id>
GET /api/users/search?name=john
Users created with the command: node_modules/.bin/sequelize model:create --name User --attributes name:string,address:string,country:string,username:string,email:string
Because Firebase Cloud Functions does not allow calls to external sources, a SQLite database is used to persist the data internally. Sequelize is used to manage data due to the flexible api it offers.
firebase login
firebase init functions
firebase deploy --only functions
Your api will be available in a url like https://us-central1-<project-name>