@jonkeegan | [email protected]
Slides from my talk "Command Line Graphics" at NICAR: http://bit.ly/clgfx-nicar17
brew install node
brew install imagemagick
brew install ffmpeg
brew install exif
brew install coreutils
brew install python
pip install csvkit
You can get the raw data from here: http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/developer.html
wget http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/mysql_create_engine_data_20150511.txt
wget https://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/pillbox_201605.txt
wget http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/pillbox_color_lookup.csv
wget http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/pillbox_DEA_lookup.csv
wget http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/pillbox_shape_lookup.csv
wget http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/pillbox_production_images_full_20140224.zip
wget http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/pillbox_production_images_update_20150511.zip
In data.php
you must enter your database name. It's set up assuming you are using MAMP, with a local MySQL server.
Just use the mysql_create_engine_data_20150511.txt
file to setup the database. I renamed the table pillbox
Place all of the pill photos into pill_images
node analyze_pills.js > im_commands.sh
sh im_commands.sh
node build_sorted_list.js > jumbo_with_dom_sat.json
All "BLUE" pills:
All round shapes:
The parse_exif.js
node script will loop through the samples/
directory, and extract the EXIF metadta, and console.log out the metadata for each image in one JSON object.
node parse_exif.js > photo_metadata.json