Python bindings for the Last.FM API. The big selling point is the memoization. For example, calls to get an artist's similar artists only fetch from the API endpoint once.
- python-dateutil
So far, pylastfm only supports the operations that don't require user authentication. It does support the important API points:
The Artist
class provides a number of static class functions:
import last
results ='they might be giants')
# results.totalResults => 59
# results.artists => [<last.artist.Artist object>, ...]
# Get a specific artist
tmbg = last.Artist.get('they might be giants')
# Get events from the artist
events = last.Artist.getEvents('they might be giants', festivalsonly=1, limit=100)
# Find images of the artist
images = last.Artist.getImages('they might be giants')
# And similar artists
similar = last.Artist.getSimilar('they might be giants')
# And top albums, tags and tracks
last.Artist.getTopAlbums('they might be giants')
last.Artist.getTopTags('they might be giants')
last.Artist.getTopTracks('they might be giants')
# Get the top artists
In addition, instance members automatically glean information from the above API endpoints. Information is pulled lazily, but is stored when it's absent, it's fetched automatically
bnl = last.Artist.get('barenaked ladies')
# Get BNL's images, bio, etc.
bnl.images => [<last.image.Image object>, ...] => {'content': '...', 'summary': '...', ...}
# This fetches from the API
# This second access does not fetch from the API
# Get the artist's top tracks
# And events...
# And albums...