Serialized, multifunction headstage for small rodents. Designed to function with eib-64.
This heastage uses an Intan RHD2164 bioamplifier chip. This chip provides:
- 64 channels of ephys are pinned out through the large mezzanine connector on the bottom of the headstage
- 3 auxiliary channels
- AUX 1 and 2 are pinned out on the bottom of the headstage to an unpopulated mezzanine connector
- Channel 3 is tied to the electrical stimulator's current measurement circuit
Headstage-64 featurs 4 TS4231 Vive lighthouse receivers for 3D position tracking. They work with V2 lighthouses. To set up tracking,
Serial into each of the basestations using the USB connection on the back and set up a terminal conneciton using
screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200
or similar -
Once connected you can hit Tab to see commands
Set the mode of one base staiton to 1 (mode 1) and the other to 2 (mode 2).
Headstage-64 provides onboard electrical and optical stimulation. Stimulus trains can be parameterized in a similar way to the master-8 or pulse pal. Electical and optical stimulus trains cannot be delivered simultaneously. If there is a conflict, electical stimuluation will take priority and optical stimulus triggers will be ignored.
To acheive the shortest latency, electrical and optical stimulation can be triggered using the GPIO1 serializer output. Because both stimulators share this trigger line, it is important to only enable one of the devices (using its ENABLE register) prioir to toggling this pin.
Q. Can i parallel the Cathode connections to increase max current A. Yes.
The electrical stimulation cicuit is an improved Howland current pump followed by an precision current measurement circuit. The current pump is supplied by +/-15V rails and can supply up to +/- 2.5 mA. The output c
ISTIM = (VDAC - 2.5)/1000. e.g. VDAC = 2.5 -> ISTIM = 0 VDAC = 5.0 -> ISTIM = 2.5 mA VDAC = 0.0 -> ISTIM = -2.5mA
Imeas = 400 * ISTIM + 1.25V e.g. ISTIM = 0 -> IMEAS = 1.25V ISTIM = 2.5mA -> IMEAS = 2.25V ISTIM = -2.5mA -> IMEAS = 0.25V
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The BOM is located on this google sheet.
The FPGA pinout is located on this google sheet.
The headstage connector pinout (ADC input mapping, stimulation connections, etc) is located on this google sheet