A microblogging social network built with Angular, Spring Boot (Java) and PostgreSQL.
The frontend is a SPA built with Angular and deployed in Vercel (https://postrify.vercel.app/). The backend is a REST API built with Spring Boot (using Java) and deployed in Fly.io (https://postrify-backend.fly.dev/). The frontend and backend communicate through HTTPS requests. The backend is connected to a PostgreSQL database hosted in Supabase.
For development environment, the frontend is served by a local server running in port 4200. The backend is served by another local server running in port 8080. The frontend and backend communicate through HTTP requests. The backend is connected to a PostgreSQL database running locally in port 5432.
cd postrify-frontend
ng serve
ng build --configuration production
ng lint
npm test -- --no-watch --no-progress --browsers=ChromeHeadless
npm run format
cd postrify-backend
Spring Boot backend uses MVC architecture.
./mvnw spring-boot:run
./mvnw clean package
java -jar target/postrify-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
./mvnw test
./mvnw checkstyle:check
./mvnw spotless:apply