A web application that makes use of two endpoints form the NewsAPI API to bring a HackerNews-like clone provided with "top-headlines" and a column for search results.
You will need to get an API key from the News API service here and add it into a .env file. Then add a variable called REACT_APP_ID in the .env and assign it the token.
On initial render there is a default search set on the right which can be scrolled to see all results. On the left you can see the top-headlines of HackerNews.
Go to the search bar and submit your search term to have the column on the left filled with the results of your search. Scroll down to see all of the results.
- Open your terminal and git clone the repository:
Add the API key from the above step into the .env file into the REACT_APP_ID variable
Access the folder, "cd" into the directory and install any dependencies:
$ npm install
Then start the react application
$ npm start
$ git clone https://github.com/jordanss1/hackernews-clone
- ReactJS
- TypeScript
- React Testing Library
- Jest
- Mock Service Worker
- BootStrap
- Semantic UI
- Axios