Superfine 8 is smaller, faster, and more memory efficient than every Superfine that came before. This rewrite is heavily based on Hyperapp's latest VDOM modifications, but it doesn't come without a cost, so let's break it down. 🎱🛸
Text nodes
The most important thing to be aware of is that now we use a new text
function to create text nodes.
import { h, text } from "superfine"
const hello = h("h1", {}, text("Hello"))
Nested arrays
Another important change is that h
no longer flattens nested arrays. So if you were doing something like this:
import { h, text } from "superfine"
const fruitView = (list) => list.map((item) => h("li", {}, text(item)))
const favoriteFruitView = () =>
h("section", {}, [
h("h1", {}, "My Favorite Fruit"),
fruitView(["apple", "grapes", "melon", "mango"]),
you should do instead:
import { h, text } from "superfine"
const fruitView = (list) => list.map((item) => h("li", {}, text(item)))
const favoriteFruitView = () =>
h("section", {}, [
h("h1", {}, "My Favorite Fruit"),
...fruitView(["apple", "grapes", "melon", "mango"]),
or just:
import { h, text } from "superfine"
const fruitView = (list) => list.map((item) => h("li", {}, text(item)))
const favoriteFruitView = () =>
h("section", {}, [
h("h1", {}, "My Favorite Fruit"),
h("ul", {}, fruitView(["apple", "grapes", "melon", "mango"])),
These changes are not backward compatible with previous JSX support and Superfine is no longer compatible with JSX "out of the box". But you can still use JSX by wrapping h
to handle variable arguments and nested arrays. Here's a way to do that:
import { h, text, patch } from "superfine"
const jsxify = (h) => (type, props, ...children) =>
typeof type === "function"
? type(props, children)
: h(
props || {},
.map((any) =>
typeof any === "string" || typeof any === "number" ? text(any) : any
const jsx = jsxify(h) /** @jsx jsx */