A basic guide tht will (Hopefully) make it easier to use plots in Matlab
- Use the to file block in simulink to get data to a .mat file
- load('filename') loads the data from a .mat file to the matlab workspace
- print('filename', '-depsc') saves the plot that is currntly displayed as in eps-format with colours
Open guide.m in the top folder
- Run the entire script first (Or just run the init-section)
- Find a plot that has something you need
- The section corresponding to (ctrl+f) to find the section ( It has the same name as the title of the plot)
- To only run one section hit (ctrl+enter)
- The current section is marked in yellow your corsor is above it
- The Plots can be run independently, as long as the init-part has been run
close all
- Closes all plots
- Runs a simulink-simulation. The filename is without the .slx - ending
- Does not build anything
Use a to file-block to get data from a simulink-simulation to a .mat -file
- Get the variable(s) from the .mat file to the workspace (filename is without .mat)
- The first row of the matrix is time, the rest are in order of input.
save filename
- Lets you save the current workspace as filename.mat
- Can be called without any parenthesis or quotation-marks
- Titles in Plots with multiple subplots
- Rotating the y-label and changing its position
- Adding LaTex-code to the labels and legends