This repository is DEPRECATED! The development continues in the ATMOSPHERE project
This project aims to:
- Consume the items from a topic queue;
- Check if the scores from the queue are in the proper threshold;
- Add a action item to a queue when an adaption is needed.
This component requires the software available in tma-utils.
This is a simple module to validate the score of the metrics from Kubernetes.
To build the jar, you should run the following command on the worker node:
The planning will consume the items from the topic topic-planning
, and it will add new topics to topic-execute
. To create the topic, you should run on the master node:
kubectl exec -ti kafka-0 -- --create --topic topic-execute --zookeeper zk-0.zk-hs.default.svc.cluster.local:2181 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
To deploy the pod in the cluster, you should run the following command on the master node:
kubectl create -f tma-planning.yaml
You can also check the items on topic. In order to do that, you should connect to the Kafka pod and execute the consumer:
kubectl exec -ti kafka-0 -- bash --topic topic-execute --bootstrap-server localhost:9093