This code library is now merged with the offical Encore lang repo
Big arrays and Big hash maps implementation in the Encore programming language. Embracing the core features of Encore such as active objects, message passing and futures. This work was done as part of a batchelor thesis, for more info take a look at my thesis.
Link to my thesis: Link to the Encore Language repo:
def init(f: k -> uint) : unit
def copy() : Bighash[k,v]
def hashFunction() : k -> uint
def put(key:k,value:v) : unit
def putManyAndBatch(pairs:[(k,v)]) : unit
def get(key:k) : v
def getMany(keys:[k]) : [v]
def elements() : [v]
def removeMany(keys:[k]) : unit
def keys() : [k]
def clear() : unit
def rehash() : unit
def hasKey(key:k) : bool
def contains(value:v) : bool
def changeNodeDistribution(num: int,size:int) : unit
def getInfo() : unit
def getSizing() : (int,int)
def extend(key:k, value:v) : unit
def extendAll(key:k, values:[v]) : unit
def getValues(key:k) : [v]
def sortedExtend(pairs:[LinkedList[(k,v,uint)]]) : unit
def mapper[k2,v2](m:(k,v)->[(k2,v2)],r:(k2,[v2]) -> (k2,v2),b:Bighash[k2,v2]) : unit
def reducer(r:(k,[v]) -> (k,v),b:Bighash[k,v]) : unit
def init(array:[t]) : unit
def size() : int
def supr() : Supr[t]
def array() : [t]
def update(f : t -> t) : unit
def filter(f: t->bool) : Bigvar[t]
def print(f: t->String) : unit
def insert(index: int, value: t): unit
def push(value: t) : unit
def at(index: int) : t
def owner(index: int) : Supr[t]
def applyto(index:int, f : t -> t) : unit
def getstringdata(f: t -> String) : Bigvar[String]
def printinfo() : unit
def abortIfOutOfBounds(i: int) : unit
fun randombigvar(size:int, max: int) : Bigvar[int]
fun zerobigvar(size:int) : Bigvar[int]
fun onesbigvar(size:int) : Bigvar[int]
fun rangebigvar(l1:int, l2:int) : Bigvar[int]
Two example programs are implemented, see Programs/
- word counting and Parallel breadth-first search