This is a simple radar altimeter using react completed as part of a job application screening.
- Two range sliders from 0 to 1500, one for needle and one for bug
- Checkbox to toggle instrument power on and off
- The needle and bug will be rotated to indicate on the instrument the current value from the respective slider.
- When the power is off:
- The flag will appear.
- The needle remain stuck in the position where it was powered off.
- The bug can be moved as it is done mechanically.
- The light turns off.
- The light comes on when following conditions are met:
- The needle has transitioned from above the bug to below it.
- The power is on.
The app is already deployed to Heroku cloud and can be viewed lived at
- Install node.js
- Navigate to the project folder in node.js CLI
- Run
npm install
andnpm start