This is a Next.js toolkit for ablaze. It makes creating websites with the same look and feel for Ablaze easy.
- Add the submodule to your repository
- Install the required packages
- Add the toolkit path to your
file - [Optional] Add the path to the
file - [Optional] Copy the
file to your project
Add the submodule to your repository:
# Using https
git submodule add ./toolkit
# Or using ssh
git submodule add [email protected]:Ablaze-MIRAI/nextjs-toolkit.git ./toolkit
If you use https, then it will prompt you to log in with your GitHub account, because the repository is private. If you use ssh, then you need to have your ssh key added to your GitHub account.
# Using npm
npm i sonner ai novel @radix-ui/react-avatar @radix-ui/react-checkbox @radix-ui/react-dialog @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu @radix-ui/react-hover-card @radix-ui/react-popover @radix-ui/react-scroll-area @radix-ui/react-separator @radix-ui/react-switch @radix-ui/react-tabs @radix-ui/react-toast @radix-ui/react-tooltip clsx cmdk framer-motion lucide-react next-themes react-aria react-stately react-use-measure tailwind-merge tailwindcss-animate class-variance-authority
# Or using yarn
yarn add sonner ai novel @radix-ui/react-avatar @radix-ui/react-checkbox @radix-ui/react-dialog @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu @radix-ui/react-hover-card @radix-ui/react-popover @radix-ui/react-scroll-area @radix-ui/react-separator @radix-ui/react-switch @radix-ui/react-tabs @radix-ui/react-toast @radix-ui/react-tooltip clsx cmdk framer-motion lucide-react next-themes react-aria react-stately react-use-measure tailwind-merge tailwindcss-animate class-variance-authority
# Or using pnpm
pnpm add sonner ai novel @radix-ui/react-avatar @radix-ui/react-checkbox @radix-ui/react-dialog @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu @radix-ui/react-hover-card @radix-ui/react-popover @radix-ui/react-scroll-area @radix-ui/react-separator @radix-ui/react-switch @radix-ui/react-tabs @radix-ui/react-toast @radix-ui/react-tooltip clsx cmdk framer-motion lucide-react next-themes react-aria react-stately react-use-measure tailwind-merge tailwindcss-animate class-variance-authority
This is important, because, if you forget to do this, then the toolkit will not work. Your current tailwind styles won't be applied to the toolkit components.
// tailwind.config.js
const config = {
// ...
content: [
// ...
// ...
// ...
You will have an easier time importing the toolkit components if you add the path to the tsconfig.json
You have two options:
- The first is easier to set up, but it will be a bit harder to maintain.
(You will add only the root path to the toolkit, and then you
will have to import the components like this:
import { Button } from '@toolkit/components/ui/button'
.) - The second is a bit harder to set up, but it will be easier to maintain.
(You will add the sub paths separately, and then
you will be able to import the components like this:
import { Button } from '@toolkit/button'
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@toolkit/*": [
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/toolkit/components/*": [
"@/toolkit/lib/*": [
"@/toolkit/i18n/*": [
"@/toolkit/*": [
"@/toolkit/auth/*": [
"@/toolkit/styles/*": [
This file contains the global styles for ablaze.
Copy it anywhere in your project and import it in your layout.tsx
// layout.tsx
import '@toolkit/styles/[ablaze|floorp]/globals.css'
Install the required packages:
# Using npm
npm i next-auth @octokit/core
# Or using yarn
yarn add next-auth @octokit/core
# Or using pnpm
pnpm add next-auth @octokit/core
You can check for the allowed users like:
import {isUserInOrg, isWhitelisted, isUserAllowed} from '@toolkit/auth/utils'
const allowedOrgs = ["Ablaze-MIRAI"]
// The email is the user's email, and the account is the next-auth account object.
const inOrg = isUserInOrg(allowedOrgs, email, account);
const allowedEmails = ["[email protected]"]
const whitelisted = isWhitelisted(allowedEmails, email);
const allowed = isUserAllowed(allowedOrgs, allowedEmails, email, account);