Initial Release
Pre-releaseThis is the initial release of macOSLAPS as an installable package. The package was built using Packages for macOS. Three files will be installed on the system:
macOSLAPS - Located in /usr/local/laps
edu.psu.macOSLAPS-check.plist - LaunchDaemon located in /Library/LaunchDaemons
laps - To add the executable to path (Located in /etc/paths.d)
To configure macOSLAPS to use different values you can configure /Library/Preferences/edu.psu.macOSLAPS.plist or you can use your MDM. Configure the following values:
LocalAdminAccount - Your local admin account (Default is 'admin')
DaysTillExpiration - How many days till the password expires (Default is 30)
PasswordLength - How long you want the random password to be (Default is 8)
Feedback is very welcome. Please test and let me know the results.