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@joshuacc joshuacc released this 02 Dec 19:33
· 5 commits to main since this release

Version 0.7.0 of ahkpm brings more features, bug fixes, and documentation improvements

1. Added support for ahkpm scripts

ahkpm scripts are a new feature that allows you to define custom commands in your ahkpm.json file. For example, if you have a script "greet": "echo Hi!", then running ahkpm run greet would execute echo Hi!, resulting in the message Hi! being printed to the terminal.

In addition to being useful for defining common commands for things like testing, running builds, and starting programs, ahkpm scripts are also useful for defining custom commands that can be run by other scripts. For example, if you have a script "build": "ahkpm run build-ahk && ahkpm run build-ahk2", then running ahkpm run build would execute both ahkpm run build-ahk and ahkpm run build-ahk2.

ahkpm also comes with a built-in alias for ahkpm run test, which is ahkpm test, or, even more succinctly, ahkpm t.

All ahkpm scripts are executed by PowerShell (pwsh), not by cmd.

2. Added new documentation to

The docs site has two substantial new pages:

3. Changes to how ahkpm init treats the license field

  • Fixed a bug where ahkpm init did not allow the value "UNLICENSED".
  • Added clarifying text, including a link to the SPDX license list to simplify the process of choosing a license.
  • Changed the value "UNLICENSED" (indicating that no license is given) to "NO LICENSE" to distinguish it from the license named "The Unlicense."

4. Changed the default version for ahkpm init to 1.0.0

Because semantic versions in the 0.x.x range behave differently than semantic versions 1.0.0 and above, ahkpm init now defaults to 1.0.0 instead of 0.0.1, in order to default to the more intuitive behavior.

5. Fixed bugs in ahkpm include

  • Made ahkpm include output compatible with AutoHotkey v2. (Previously it had a comma which was permitted in AutoHotkey v1 but not in AutoHotkey v2.)
  • ahkpm include now correctly calculates relative script paths when the --file flag points to a file in a different folder.