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@joshuacc joshuacc released this 22 Nov 00:33
· 15 commits to main since this release

There are several new features and documentation improvements in this release.

1. ahkpm install now supports omitting the version from packages

For example: ahkpm install gh:joshuacc/simple-http.

If you do not specify a version, ahkpm will attempt to find the latest valid semantic version. If no valid semantic version of the package is available, it will fall back to branch:main. If there is no main branch, it will fall back to branch:master.

2. Added ahkpm search command to find packages

Want to see what ahkpm packages are available that match a specific query? Try ahkpm search [<myTerms>].... For example, ahkpm search terminal outputs the following:

Name                            Description
-----------------------------   -----------------------------------------------------   An AutoHotkey library for colorizing terminal output

3. Added a packages page to

If browsing the web is more your thing than searching via CLI, head on over and take a look at the Packages page to discover interesting libraries for your project.

4. A new introduction page has been added to

The docs website now has a much friendlier guided introduction to using ahkpm. The previous introduction page is now the "Quick Start" guide.

5. ahkpm update now supports a --all flag

Now you can run ahkpm update --all to update all your dependencies in one shot.

6. Added ahkpm include command to generate #Include directive with proper paths

Running ahkpm include gh:joshuacc/simple-http will output the following.

#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\ahkpm-modules\\joshuacc\simple-http\simple-http.ahk

To add it to the top of an AHK script instead, simply run ahkpm include gh:joshuacc/simple-http -f my-file.ahk

7. Added --defaults flag to ahkpm init

Running ahkpm init --defaults allows you to create an ahkpm.json file without having to go through the interactive prompts. It will use default values for everything.

8. Added ahkpm i as an alias for ahkpm install

9. Added ahkpm u as an alias for ahkpm update