These are some fun experiments using opencv-python with a webcam to do some useful and artistic projects. The included python apps are:
- A motion detecting grid of springy balls []
- Motion detection of edges (sticky balls) []
- One ball that you can push with motion []
- Motion detecting video capture (security cam) []
- An artistic mashup of recorded and live video []
Make sure you have the required python packages installed and run the python source file. This shoudl open a window that displays interactive images capured from you webcam.
- Python 2.x
- opencv-python
- numpy
Install the prerequisites, run the python source. If you have conda installed, here are the commands to set-up the environment. The scripts are old, so you have to use old python and opencv
conda create -n python2 python=2.7 anaconda
conda activate python2
pip install opencv-python==
python [sourcefile]
- Josiah Bjorgaard - OpenCVExperiments