This sample code shows how to listen to the global IP address range change SNS topic and tracks the state of a set of AWS Regions and Services.
The latest IP address ranges are stored in a DynamoDB table and changes are optionally notified via SNS and Slack web hook.
Install Node.js locally or on your build server.
On a mac install Homebrew then NPM:
brew install npm
On Linux install npm via package manager.
Then install serverless globally:
npm install -g serverless
The package comes initialised with dependencies, to download them run the following from the project root directory:
npm install
If you intend to send messages to Slack follow the steps to generate a new web hook.
You will need to select a local AWS named credential profile or if running from an EC2 instance running in an IAM Role. Either edit or remove this parameter serverless.yml accordingly:
profile: <profile name>
After deployment the following properties are editable as environment variables of the deployed Lambda function. Either edit them in the serverless.yml file prior to deployment or change them via the Lambda console post deployment.
If you wish to send messages to Slack, update the serverless.yml file with your web hook URL generated as per above:
You may also enable SNS message broadcasts using the format defined below to programatically consume notifications for specific services and regions.
Build and deploy the package to your account using serverless. You may optionally override the stage name (default: dev)
serverless deploy [--stage <stageName>]
Depending on your configuration, AWS IP address range changes will be sent to Slack and published to SNS where you can optionally subscribe email, SMS and programatic consumers.
The deployment role will require IAM permissions to create the IAM role used by the Lambda and the relevant resources.
Serverless uses CloudFormation as the primary deployment mechanism and this stack creates the following resources:
- Lambda function subscribed to the global IP address range change SNS topic
- IAM role for Lambda function
- Output SNS topic
- Serverless deployment bucket
- DynamoDB table
Feel free to add additional subscribers to the SNS topic such as SMS, email targets or programatic targets such as Lambda and SQS.
Lambda, SQS and web-hook subscribers receive a JSON message as defined below.
The message format published to SNS for Lambda, SQS and web-hook subscribers is:
"region": "ap-southeast-2",
"service": "S3",
"oldRange": [
"newRange": [
Josh Passenger AWS Solutions Architect - [email protected]
This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details
No warranty is provided or implied with this software, it is provided as a Proof of Concept (POC) example and will require additional error checking code and testing.