Releases: jozzzzep/CooldownAPI
Releases · jozzzzep/CooldownAPI
- Made it even simpler and easier to use the API
- Now you don't even need to use the cooldown manager manually.
It will be called and initialized automatically when you need it in the background. - All you need to do now to create a cooldown is to simply call the default constructor.
- Now you don't even need to use the cooldown manager manually.
- Added a property to get the value from the timer of the cooldown.
- Now the scripts are inside a separate namespace called CooldownAPI
- Fixed a bug that caused the timer to get below zero
- Fixed documentation mistakes and reorganized the code
- Updated readme
- Changed the repository's name to CooldownAPI from Cooldown-System
- Deleted the WIKI
- Created a long README containing new guides and examples.
- Renamed methods
- From DecreaseCooldowns to Update
- From ChangeDefaultCooldownDuration to ChangeDuration
- From ActivateCooldown to Activate
- From DeactivateCooldown to Deactivate
- From isActive to IsActive
- Added detailed comments to properties and methods
- Moved classes outside the Classes folder
First Release - 0.1.0
Simple tools for handling and managing cooldowns in UnityEngine efficiently.
- Cooldowns Manger class - For handling and creating cooldowns in UnityEngine efficiently
- Cooldown class - For handling a single cooldown in UnityEngine - recommended to use the manager
- A complete WIKI with a tutorial