The lazy man's web framework.
You have an awesome offline program. Weby and deploy it in under 5 minutes.
import weby
app = weby.defaults.App()
def app(req, page, name):
times = req.params.get('times', 1)
for i in xrange(int(times)):
page(u'Hello, %s!<br />' % (name or u'world'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
- The Zen of Python
- Don't repeat yourself
- Simplicity over features
- Clarity over cleverness
- Explicit is better than implicit
- No magic
- Make only Order of Magnitude improvements
- Defaults over options
- Innovation over patterns
- Exactly one obvious way to do anything
- Build bottom-up as well as top-down
- Code less
- Don't repeat yourself
- Automate everything
- No pagination
Weby already includes
- Controllers
- Templates and helpers
- Beautiful Urls
- Smallest python webapps in production
- Very extensible and easy to understand
- Natural code layout using python packages
- A production server thread
- Error handling server thread
- Webapp testing framework
- Full Unicode compliance and safety
- Email framework
- XSS Protection
- Event-based server thread
Weby still needs, in order,
A debugging server thread
Documentation, auto-generated from codebase, with auto-tests*
Redo redirecters and page objects*
- (run server, build url trees, what else?)
Cache system
Standard template filters
Sessions (cryptographic) and authentication*
CSRF protection
Layout system for templates
Pluggable sub-webapps
Ecosystem of pluggable sub-webapps*
Synchronous and asynchronous signals and dispatchers*
better dependencies handling: chardet, tornado, pyinotify, ...
better image handling
url tree building, better debuggable urls
PyQuery based templates?
Requires some kind of hard data decision***:
- Models and backend storage*
- Auto-admin (databrowse?)*
- Sitemaps
- RSS Feeds
- Testing framework data fixtures
*requires a hard design decision
Weby will never have
- { Braces }
- Pagination
- Clunky design
- Repetition
- Repetition
Weby borrows heavily from existing Python web architectures and thanks them profusely for their high quality.
Thank you WebOb and Paste for much of this code.
Also, thank you Ian Bicking, Django developers, and Guido van Rossum
for great design ideas and a high standard of excellence.
I strive for a bug-free master branch.
As to the stability of the API and backwards-compatibility, I guarantee nothing. In fact, I guarantee that I will change the API many times, breaking unmodified applications, sometimes purposefully to keep you mindful.
I will keep this promise both through the beta and after 1.0.
Legacy code kills the pace of development, snowballs cruft, and holds back the possibility of game-changing improvements.
On the other hand, branches of point versions may be maintained with bug fixes for those who want to stay secure, but do not need new features.
MIT license