An open-source replacement for GhostDoc for Vim and NeoVim.
Put the plugin in your vimrc.
E.g. if you are using Plug:
Plug 'jpfeiffer16/angeldoc-vim'
Add a mapping to AngelDoc#InsertXmlDoc()
in your .vimrc.
nnoremap /// :call AngelDoc#InsertXmlDoc()<CR>
You can configure the dotnet binary to run to get the documentation by setting the g:angeldoc_path variable in your vimrc.
let g:angeldoc_path = '/home/myuser/Source/AngelDoc/AngelDoc/bin/Debug/AngelDoc.dll'
Once the plugin is installed, run :AngelDocInstall
to install the latest release.
The plugin should now work.
If you run into issues running the AngelDocInstall
command try running the below commands from the terminal in the plugin dir for angeldoc-vim
to manually install the latest release of the AngelDoc tool.
powershell .\manage-releases.ps1