# Family Recipes
Description: This application will serve as a way to post recipes and share them with others.
## Installation
TODO: 1. Ruby 2.2.2 2. Rails 4.2.4 3. Bundle Install
## Usage
Share, rate, and tag recipes.
## Story Board
Dropdown Rating Selection [X]
User Profile Image Upload [X]
Our Favorites Section - to pull from database
Tags Section - to pull from database [X]
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
Add google map to test API [X]
Incorporate Yelp or other review site API
User Dashboard
## Contributing
Fork it!
Create your feature branch: ‘git checkout -b my-new-feature`
Commit your changes: ‘git commit -am ’Add some feature’‘
Push to the branch: ‘git push origin my-new-feature`
Submit a pull request :D
## History
Created October 30th, 2015
## Credits
Jenny Pletner Tobias Brysiewicz
## License
Family Recipes - Copyright 2015