Since Windows Vista a new version of the Task Scheduler is implemented. In addition to the features of the former version some new options are available, like running a task after a scheduled start was missed or the use of user accounts without passwords. The Windows API provides several new functions to integrate the Task Scheduler with user programs. To make this easier to the Delphi programmer, I developed several units which encapsulate the functions the Windows Task Scheduler 2.0 into Delphi objects. To demonstrate the integration of these objects into own code, a sample program (new in January 2024) is included to the package.
Note: The implementation is not complete. But all functions to create and edit time schedules for user applications are available.
- Unit TaskSchedApi.pas - Delphi interface to Windows Task Scheduler 2.0 (taskschd.dll)
- Unit WinTask.pas - Delphi objects to use Windows Task Scheduler 2.0 in own programs
- Unit WinTaskConsts.pas - language resources for WinTask.pas (English und German)
- Program TaskSchedTest.dpr - Sample program (new enhanced version)