My first project realised in group, jordan auplat ( and me jeremi raymond.
Fillit is programe who sort in the smallest possible square many Tetrominos given in parametre. ($> fillit tetro.txt)
- A Tetrimino is a classic piece of Tetris composed of 4 blocks
- Each block of a Tetromino must touch at least one other block on any of his 4 sides. (up, down, left and right)
Example of tetro.txt :
. . . #
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- Learn how read in file with fonction open and read
- create algorithme who said if "tetro.txt" are valide or not :
. . . #
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is invalid tetromino so executable can't resolve and exit properly with an error massage. (lot other error exists)
Backtrack algorithm is very powerfull if we needed to resolve a problematic like sudoku or other. The simplest discription of our algo is, we started with the littlest map possible (4 * 4 if juste one tetromino, else depend of numbers of tetromino) and we test to place all the tetros at all the places possible of the map for all tetros existing