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An overly-complicated, under-enjoyable chess variant adapting various properties of quantum mechanics

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Quantum Chess


Traditional chess setup, with 2 dice.


Each turn, a player can make 1 move and 1 observation. This can be in either order. On the first turn however, white does not make an observation.

  • Ability to save 1 observation for subsequent turn?

PLayers play as their kings. As such, kings behave deterministically, adhering to traditional rules (exception: the Casimir Effect). The king can make any observation of his own pieces. However, to observe an enemy piece, it must be "observable", or "take-able" by a freindly piece.

Aside from classical moves, there are several options borrowing characteristics from non-intuitive quantum phenomena. A piece's likelihood to exist in a certain state or perform certain moves depend on its energy as well as the potential field generated by enemy pieces on the board. Dice roll is involved for some moves.


  • Classical

    • A piece is moved to a determined square, obeying traditional movement rules.
    • Does not require an observation.
  • Superposition

    • A piece is moved to occupy 2 potential squares simultaneously.
    • These squares must be classically accessible to the piece.
  • Tunneling

    • A piece may attempt to tunnel through enemy pieces, requiring a calculation to be performed.
    • May not tunnel through friendly pieces.
    • Any enemy piece landed on is taken.
  • Entanglement

    • Two pieces are moved simultaneously.
    • Both states exist until either is observed, which can be done by observing either piece's start or end positions.
    • Until the entanglement collapses, both pieces must be moved if one of them is moved on a turn.
  • Virtual

    • A previously taken friendly piece may be re-introduced to an unoccupied square on the board, however its existence is unstable.
    • The piece is guaranteed to exist at the start of the opponent's upcoming turn. Subsequently, a roll is performed to determine if the piece continues to exist.
    • Should an anti-piece be generated of the enemy color, performing a mirror of the moves?
    • A virtual piece cannot put the enemy king into check or check-mate.
    • To preserve energy, any enemy piece taken could be swapped with same piece of friendly color, and virtual piece ceases to exist
  • The Casimir Effect

    • If castling is available (no pieces between unmoved king and rook), the Casimir Effect builds a negative energy potential between those pieces, increasing each turn.
    • Once this potential exceeds the rest energy of the king and rook, castling occurs.
    • This does not count as a move.
Move Result # Pieces Calculation
Traditional Determined 1 N/A
Superposition Not Determined 1 When observed
Tunneling Determined 1 At move
Entaglement Not Determined 2 When observed
Virtual Not Determined 1? At start of each turn


  • In a classical move, if a potentially occupied square is crossed, a free observation is made. If the piece is determined to be on the crossed square, the traditional movement is unnaffected.

    • For knights, movement for crossing is defined with the two square movement first, the single square movement second.
  • If a superimposed or entangled piece puts a king in check, the checked player must make an observation or move that observes that potential piece.

  • If a player chooses to observe a determined enemy piece, and if that piece is moved on the opponent's subsequent turn, it must be moved classically.

  • For pieces with extended lines of sight (rooks, bishops, queens), multiple pieces may be observed with a single observation.

    • This occurs if an enenmy piece potentially occupies a square along the friendly piece's line of sight. If the enemy piece is determined not to exist there, then any other uncertain states further along that line of sight are subsequently observed.

Energy Levels & Calculations


An overly-complicated, under-enjoyable chess variant adapting various properties of quantum mechanics






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