yarn clone_repo
- will run cc_install_repo.sh
- git clone wrapper; using an array of repositories selected for publishing :+todo it is suboptimal to install from scratch every time
yarn clone_notes
- will run cc_clone_notes.sh
- copy files from specific directory :+todo the clone and build steps are needed as separate entity but it's not very intuitive; it would be good to have a specific command to simply update the website with new notes
yarn build_notes
- will run cc_build_notes.sh
- wrapper for php script that build pages out of markdown files and images in folders
yarn build
- will run cc_build.sh
- wrapper for php script that build html pages for/from the git repositories that were cloned
yarn publishing
- will run cc_publish.sh
- git commit and push to remote repositories; the ./docs is used to serve documents via Github pages
- if it is the first time the repository is cloned on this machine and used:
composer install
- publish the public repository; get the http url to clone
- insert the url in
- use the number part of the repo name to assign this repository to a section, in
- yarn clone_repo
- yarn clone_notes
- yarn build
- check content and test
- git commit+push