This is the repository for the World Food Program's HungerMap. For a more information, check out the documentation.
This software is dual-licensed:
- Open-Source License: Distributed under the terms of the Server Side Publc License (SSPL). See the
file for details. - Commercial License: Available for businesses requiring proprietary use. Contact the Center for Software Engineering Excellence at [email protected] for more information. Failure to comply with either license will constitute a violation of intellectual property rights.
- Contibutors
- Technologies Used
- Feature highlights
- Local development
- Deployment
- Development guidelines
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
- Next.js 14
- NextUI v2
- Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind Variants
- TypeScript
- Framer Motion
- next-themes
- leaflet, react-leaflet
- Highcharts, highcharts-react
- Tanstack Query
Explore the most exciting new or improved features of the new HugerMap here through these showcase videos.
- Hunger data visualized on multiple map and alert types
- Information pages
- Chatbot
- Comparison portal
- Download portal
- Email service
Make sure to use yarn instead of npm!
yarn install
Create a file called .env
in the root of the project and populate it with the following values:
To use the chatbot feature of the application, start its backend locally.
NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_ID=<google analytics id> # Google Analytics ID, optional
yarn dev
To check if there are any lint errors, run
yarn lint
To fix any lint errors, run
yarn lint:fix
The application can easily be deployed to PaaS platforms supporting Next.js such as Netlify or Vercel. In addition, the repository contains a Dockerfile, with which you can easily deploy it on any server. Requirements: Docker installed on the machine.
- Populate the
file - Build the image:
docker build -t wfp-hungermap .
- Start the container:
docker run -p 3000:3000 wfp-hungermap
Besides the usual guidlines, we're following these as per the customer's request:
Linting and styling is based on Airbnb's React style guide. A pre-commit hook will make sure that only well-formatted code is commited to the repo, but a GitHub Actions workflow will also check this on each PR.
Always work on a separate branch, never commit to main! When you're creating a branch, you should use the branchname provided by Linear. Click the branch icon in the upper right corner of issue's page on Linear to copy the branchname. It should have the following format: feature/<issue no.>-<concise description of issue>
Commit messages are also linted using husky and commitlint, so make sure to start each commit message with feat:
, fix:
or docs:
depending on the type of work implemented in that commit.
After you're done with your task, create a Pull Request and share it with your teammates, ask your team lead and/or TPL for a review. Use squash merge when the PR is approved.
Each component should have their own file, where the file name is the name of the component. The app directory is for pages and layouts, all other components should go to the components directory. Try to group components to sub-directories based on their function. Code that doesn't belong to a specific component should be placed in a different file, in directories like utils, config, types, etc.
DDD is a software design approach that is against the idea of having a single unified model; instead it divides a large system into bounded contexts, each of which have their own model.
What this means for a React application, is that instead of using one global state with, for example Redux, we will have a React context for each of our entities that will store all the data and offer all the methods related to that domain.
- The domain folder contains all the entities and repositories. (Types, Interfaces, etc.)
- The infrastructure folder contains the implementations of the interfaces. (API calls, etc.)
- The operations folder contains the business logic that is not related to a specific entity.
- Bigger files and functions should be placed in the operations folder
The point of DI is that the dependencies of services should not be hardcoded, instead they should receive them as parameters, where the type of the parameter is an interface. This makes testing easier and the code more reusable, since the same service can be used with different implementations of the same interface (for example mock implementations for testing).
- Example of how to use the container to resolve a dependency can be found in
. - A list of all dependencies and their implementations can be found in
Programmatically associate labels with all form controls. The recommended method for most circumstances is to use the label element and an explicit association using the for and id attributes. The examples here are ordered from the most common acceptable solution to the least common acceptable solution. For more information, please check:
Ensure all ordered and unordered lists (defined by ul or ol elements) contain only li content elements.
For more information, please check:
Ensure all text elements have sufficient color contrast between the text in the foreground and background color behind it.
Success Criterion: Ensure color contrast of at least 4.5:1 for small text or 3:1 for large text, even if text is part of an image. Large text has been defined in the requirements as 18pt (24 CSS pixels) or 14pt bold (19 CSS pixels). Note: Elements found to have a 1:1 ratio are considered "incomplete" and require a manual review.
For more information, please check:
For more information, please check:
For more information, please check: