Pulse Music is a Xamarin.Forms sample to show how to create goodlooking UI with Xamarin.Forms. This sample is based on Music Player App designed by Anish Chandran.
NOTES:The icons of the App are not exactly the same. Used similar icons taken from Metro Studio.
The main objective of the sample is to show the creation of the Player's UI (circular progress, rotating cover, etc.). This App is NOT a real player.
Xamarin.Forms allows you to build native UIs for iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, macOS and Tizen from a single, shared codebase. This project exercises the following patterns and features:
- Animations
- Converters
- Custom Controls
- Data Binding
- Messaging Center
- Plugins for Xamarin
- Styles
- SkiaSharp
- .NET Standard 2.0
The Pulse Music app is available for two platforms:
- iOS
- Android
This project uses some third-party assets with a license that requires attribution:
- Google Fonts
- SkiaSharp
- FFImageLoading
- Plugins.Forms.ButtonCircle
Code released under the MIT license.