Welcome to our site! This is a fun interactive SPA (single page application) that allows a user to interact with our backend API. In this site, the user can view, add, delete, and reserve bees. Our app allows a user to add a photo of their choosing. Please be respectful with what you upload as it will be public for all. Please also allow up to a minute for our backend to process the photo and make it viewable on the home and details pages. Have fun!
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- AWS S3
- Rails (backend project here)
- Netlify.
- Bee Backend (Our API)
To get a local copy of the project, follow these steps:
- Open the terminal and navigate to the folder where you would like to put these files.
- Type the following commands into the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/jsug9/bee-booking-front-end
cd bee-booking-front-end
- Install Dependencies
npm install
For the Live Server || http://localhost:8080/
npm start
Create a file in your root directory and name it .env
Use keys created with an AWS S3 account
👤 Aaron Keegan
- GitHub: @AKeeganDev
- Twitter: @AkeeganDev
- LinkedIn: AKeeganDev
👤 Augusto Galindo
- GitHub: @jsug9
- LinkedIn: Augusto Galindo
👤 Emily Robertson
- GitHub: @emyrue
- Twitter: @EmyrueRobertson
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Henry Nawrocki
- GitHub: @hsztan
- Twitter: @hsztanski
- LinkedIn: henry-nawrocki
- Link
- This project had 4 team members.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Original design idea by Murat Korkmaz on Behance.
- Thanks to my peers who are always there to offer support.
- Special thanks to Bee Quesada for her continued support throughout the program! Our theme is dedicated to you, Bee!
This project is MIT licensed.