Doctrine-Solr is supposed to provide easy to use, annotation based system to connect SOLR indexer to existing Doctrine utilizing database. Currently linker for MongoDB is available.
The system is based on a single Configuration object aggregating all objects needed to work.
To get Configuration object you have to call $config = Doctrine\Solr\Configuration::fromConfig(); All the components are lazy loaded when needed.
To simply run the application run
* @var $em EventManager the Doctrine EventManager used in application
Doctrine\Solr\Runner::run($config, $em);
it should set everything up just fine.
It registers annotations and the subscriber.
To actually search or update something just call
$client = $config->getSolariumClientImpl();
to obtain Solarium\Client instance.
To obtain SelectQuery run
$query = $client->createSelect();
then to i.e. select by using a Doctrine Document
$resultset = $client->execute($query);
Normally update should be fired automatically from Doctrine, but you can
$query = $client->createUpdate();
$result = $client->execute($query);
To enable SOLR indexing of Doctrine-mapped class one must add
use Doctrine\Solr\Mapping\Annotations as SOLR;
* @SOLR\Document()
before the mapped class and every mapped field should be annotated with
* @SOLR\Field(type=xxx)
This ensures every update of such document using Doctrine will take effect in SOLR as well.