Real-time chat app. This app requires an external XMPP server (openfire, ejabberd etc.).
You find a full list of features, supported protocols and browsers on our homepage.
If you are looking for install instructions or developer notes, please also checkout our wiki.
- Install NodeJS
- Install Ionic
- Install npm dependencies and bower dependencies. Run the following comands in a terminal, where JSXC-Ionic was cloned:
npm install
bower install
Go into the folder and run this code in a terminal:
ionic serve
Firstly you need to download the android sdk. An easy way to download it is to get Android Studio and use the sdkmanager to download it. After you downloaded the SDK you need to add it to your PATH variable.
export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/Android/Sdk
Replace /path/to/Android/Sdk with the actual path. To make it permanent add the lines to you bashrc file.
Open control panel
Then go to System
Then go to Change Environment Variables of the User
Then click create a new environment variables
Create a new variable named ANDROID_HOME
Set its value to your Android directory, like C:/users//.android
Replace C:/users//.android with the actual path.
Edit /etc/paths and add
Replace /Users/username/Libs/Android/sdk with the actual path.
Connect your phone to the PC with a USB cable, go to the jsxc.ionic folder and run this code in a terminal
ionic run android
The emulator in android studio is slow so we recomend using Genymotion After you create a device in it and start go to the folder and run this code in a terminal
ionic run android
Coming soon