My 3rd year project at The University of Leicester. A 3d game engine, specifically implementing collision and PBR Rendering.
The following libraries have been used to speed up development and fill in boilerplate
- GLM - A maths library that closely follows GLSL in syntax
- GLFW - A multiplatform library for handling windows, inputs, and related events
- Vulkan SDK - The graphics API used for rendering in this project
- VK-Bootstrap - A utility library to simplify a lot of the boilerplate involved in setting up vulkan
- Vulkan Memory Manager - A library to help with all the boilerplate involved in managing GPU memory
- tinyobjloader - A library for loading .obj wavefront files as models
With the exception of VK-Bookstrap, Vulkan Memory Manager, and tinyobjloader, these libraries are loaded using CMake's find_package
directive, thus must be
installed on the system building the project.
VK-Boostrap and Vulkan Memory Manager are loaded as git submodules.
Tinyobjloader has been downloaded and stored in this repository alongside its license.