Important Note: This is only for personal use, don't abuse the service as Vultr is a great vps provider and don't want to get permanently blocked the SMTP port
- Create a ticket for opening block 25 port in vultr Blocked Ports
- Ansible and ansible-playbook
- Terraform v1.3.8
- Vultr API Documentation
- Add vultr nameservers to the domain registrar Vultr Nameservers
Create a file in terraform directory with the following content:
variable "api_key" {
default = "API_KEY"
variable "domain" {
default = "DOMAIN"
variable "ssh_key_path_public" {
default = "SSH_KEY_PATH.PUB"
variable "ssh_key_path_private" {
default = "SSH_KEY_PATH"
To run use the following command:
make run
To destroy
make delete