Script working again :), thanks to the fork by Dink4n for the alternative approach to by pass the captcha on gogoanime Forked from pystardust, works on WSL using VLC as media player
A cli to browse and watch anime.
This tool scrapes the site gogoanime.
Works on Windows Subsystem For Linux using VLC.exe as the media player
git clone
Download and install latest VLC Media Player
Changedir to the cloned repo in the WSL
Do the following command:
cd ani-cli
sudo make
ani-cli <query>
ani-cli -d <query>
ani-cli -H
ani-cli -D
ani-cli -q 360
By default ani-cli
would try to get the best video quality available
You can give specific qualities like 360/480/720/..
You can also use special names:
: Select the best quality availableworst
: Select the worst quality available
Multiple episodes can be viewed/downloaded by giving the episode range like so
Choose episode [1-13]: 1 6
This would open/download episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
- grep
- curl
- sed
- vlc media player windows (vlc.exe)
- Windows instructions can be found in this branch