This is a CMS-style blog where users can publish tech articles and comment on other posts. The project folowsthe Model, View, Controller (MVC) structure and uses handlebarsjs as the templateing engine, Sequelize for ORM, express-sessions and bcryptjs for user authentication and password encryption.
- Clone this repository
- Change (cd) into the newly created directory
- Run the
npm i
command from the command line to install depdencies - Create a .gitignore file with
node_modules .env vs_code
and any others files orfolders you do not want pushed to github - Look in at db/shema.sql for the database creation query
- Create a .env file with
DB_NAME=db_name DB_USER=username DB_PASSWORD=your_password
Click here to view the live site deployed to Heroku
From the command line run node server.js
or nodemon server
Open a browser to localhost:3001
Github: judo2000
Email: [email protected]